Surya Anbarasi Vanniarthilagam

Routing Engineer

With a strong background in routing technology, Surya plays a pivotal role in optimising and streamlining our navigation solutions. As a Routing Engineer, Surya excels in creating efficient and reliable routes for our users.

Surya completed her Bachelor's degree in India and then went on to work for Mercedes Benz R&D as a software engineer she developed her love for algorithms and programming. After completing her Master's degree in computer science in Germany Surya joined RideOS to work on their routing engine. Since then Surya joined savvy navvy.

“Although I have zero experience or knowledge of sailing, the task of routing through open seas is a fascinating challenge. I can't ask for a better set of people or a better company to work for.

As someone who enjoys travelling and experiencing different cultures, I can't believe I missed out on sailing so far.”


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Surya Anbarasi Vanniarthilagam
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