Third Party Notices, Copyright Information & Acknowledgements.

We obtain weather and chart data from many sources, so you don’t have to. We record important licensing, copyright and legal information here.

UK, Netherlands, Belgian, Croatian, Icelandic and Spanish Hydrographic Offices

The displayed images have been derived in part from material obtained from the Netherlands, Belgian, and UK Hydrographic Offices, the Hrvatski Hidrografski Institut, Republic of Croatia, the Icelandic Coast Guard, Hydrographic Department and the Instituto Hidrografico de la Marina (IHM), Spain with their permission, that of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office and any additional organisations listed in this section.


WARNING: This product is a secondary aid to navigation and does not replace authorised government charts as a primary aid to navigation.

The UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO), Netherlands (NLHO), Vlaamse Hydrografie (VH), Hrvatski Hidrografski Institut (HHI), Icelandic Coast Guard, Hydrographic Department (ICG-HD), Instituto Hidrografico de la Marina (IHM) and their licensors make no warranties or representations, express or implied, with respect to this product. The UKHO, NLHO, VH, HHI, IGC-HD and IHM and their licensors have not verified the information within this product or quality assured it.

© British Crown Copyright, 2018.

© Netherlands Hydrographic Office, 2018.

© Vlaamse Hydrografie, 2018.

© Hrvatski Hidrografski Institut, 2019. All rights reserved.

© Icelandic Coast Guard, Hydrographic Department, 2020

© Instituto Hidrografico de la Marina, 2019. All rights reserved.



Certain hydrographic information in this product is © Commonwealth of Australia; and is used under licence with the permission of The Australian Hydrographic Office. All rights reserved.

Apart from the uses permitted to the licensee under the licence, the information may not be modified or exploited by reverse engineering of formats and encryption or copied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form, in whole or part.


The Australian Hydrographic Office does not check the information in this product and the Commonwealth of Australia accepts no liability for the accuracy of copying of its material or for any modifications that may have been made to the information which it has supplied.

Furthermore, the Commonwealth of Australia does not warrant that this product meets any regulations as an appropriate product for navigation or that it contains the latest hydrographic information available.


This product has been produced by Savvy Navvy Ltd. and incorporates Canadian Hydrographic Service (“CHS”) data, following any minimum standards/guidelines that may have been established by CHS, pursuant to CHS Digital Value-Added Reseller Agreement No. 2023-0615-1260-SN.

The incorporation of data sourced from CHS in this product shall not be construed as constituting an endorsement by CHS of this product.

This product does not meet the requirements of the Navigation Safety Regulations, 2020 under the Canada Shipping Act, 2001. Charts and publications issued by or on the authority of CHS must be used to meet the requirements of those regulations.


Aucun service hydrographique officiel n’a vérifié les informations contenues dans ce document et ne peut être tenu responsable de la fidélité de leur reproduction ou de toute modification ultérieure. La possession de ce produit dérivé n’exonère pas de l’obligation d’utiliser les documents nautiques appropriés prévus par les règlements nationaux ou internationaux.

Ce produit intègre des données © Shom – 2019  – reproduites avec l’autorisation n° 51/2018.


© Finnish Transport and Communications Agency, Licence No. 09763/

WARNING: No national Hydrographic Office has verified the information in this product and no national Hydrographic Office accepts any liability for the accuracy of reproduction or any modifications made thereafter.

No warranty is given that this product complies with national or international regulations regarding the use of appropriate products for navigation.


Information contained in this product has been reproduced from the Greek ENCs with the permission of the Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service (Licence No. 859.1/10/ 10759/S.759/22-03-2019). 

WARNING: The Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service has not verified information contained in this product and does not accept any liability for the accuracy of reproduction or any modifications made thereafter. The Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service does not warrant that this product satisfies national or international regulations regarding the use of the appropriate products for navigation.


Unter Verwendung von Datenmaterial des Bundesamts für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) hergestellt [Lizenz Nr.: 0800Z11-1117/067]

WARNUNG: Das Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) hat die in diesem Produkt enthaltenen Angaben nicht geprüft und haftet nicht für ihre Richtigkeit oder die Richtigkeit späterer Datenänderungen. Das Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) garantiert nicht, dass dieses Produkt nationale oder internationale Vorschriften für die navigatorische Eignung solcher Produkte erfüllt.

Manufactured using data supplied by Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH, Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany) [Licence no. 0800Z11-1117/067]

WARNING: Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) has not verified the information included in this product and does not, therefore, assume any liability for its correctness, or the correctness of data updates made at a later date. Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) does not guarantee that this product meets national or international requirements concerning the suitability of such products for navigation.


NOTE: these electronic charts contain data derived from official copyrighted government charts by the Istituto Idrografico della Marina, Italia, which has not verified the extracted data. Official paper charts and navigational information should be consulted for full details, in order to ensure the safety of navigation.

New Zealand

This work is based on/includes LINZ’s data which is licensed by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) for re-use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.



WARNING: No National Hydrographic Office has verified the information in this product and none accept liability for the accuracy of reproduction or any modifications made thereafter. No National Hydrographic Office warrants that this product satisfies national or international regulations regarding the use of the appropriate products for navigation.

The chart information in this product is reproduced with the permission of the Norwegian Hydrographic Service, license no NO 06122019/1.

© Kartverket/ «© Norwegian Mapping Authority.


Acknowledgement ©Swedish Maritime Administration 20-01352”


No national Hydrographic Office has verified the information in this product and no national Hydrographic Office accepts any liability for the accuracy of reproduction or any modifications made thereafter.

No warranty is given that this product complies with national or international regulations regarding the use of appropriate products for navigation.

USA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Savvy Navvy uses data sourced from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce (NOAA). Terms and conditions relating to this data can be found here.

USA: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)

Acknowledgement: Savvy Navvy contains data from US NGA publically-available charts.

Open Streetmap

Contains information from Open Streetmap, which is made available here under the Open Database License (ODbL) which can be found here.


Tidal data retrieved from Copyright © 2014-2020 Brainware LLC.

Licensed for use of individual spatial coordinates by an end-user.


You may not use this data if anyone or anything could come to harm as a result of using it (e.g. for navigational purposes).

Tidal data is obtained from various sources and is covered in part or whole by various copyrights. For details see:

Geoscience Australia 

Some data included here is copyright of Geoscience Australia and sub-licensed under the international Creative Commons Licence v4.0.

Seagrass Data

© Natural England © Environment Agency. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2022 Contains data from © Joint Nature Conservation Committee © North Eastern Inshore Fisheries & Conservation Authority 2017 © Yorkshire Wildlife Trust © Cornwall County Council © Harwich Haven Authority. The MAGiC version also includes data not included in the download file from © Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife.

ProtectedSeas Data

ProtectedSeas uses a standardized process to collect, synthesize, and map Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and other Marine Managed Areas (MMAs).

New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services

The dataset provides a rough estimate of a lake's depth contours and SHOULD NOT be used for navigational purposes. Reference NHDES as the source of the data is required in any published use of the data. User is required to read metadata completely before using the data. The information provided in this coverage is a subset of spatial databases developed by the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES). Development of these databases is an ongoing project; they may not contain all existing and potential sites, stations, or threats. NHDES is not responsible for the use or interpretation of this information, or for any inaccuracies in the site names, tax map and lot information, or locations. All information is subject to verification. These data are to be used for planning purposes only; distribution is discouraged.