Course To Steer Now Available With savvy navvy

Course To Steer Now Available With savvy navvy

savvy navvy is the first all-in-one marine navigation solution for sailors across the globe. As of today our community members will get a recommended Course to Steer (CTS) when plotting routes with savvy navvy. A feature that forms the first phase of our tidal integration programme.

Course to steer is the first phase of our full tidal integration programme. We’ve integrated up to date and accurate tidal stream data from reputable sources, cross-checking with almanacs and consulting experienced sailors. Our aim was to not only perform the course to steer calculations for you, but also to find the best way to show them in a comprehensive yet intuitive and easy to use manner. Our guiding principle remains steadfast, to make safe and thorough passage planning as accessible as humanly (or should we say, algorithmically) possible.

— Stefanos Mousafeiris - isochrones guru, savvy navvy developer.

How to plot a route with savvy navvy

To plot a route simply log into your account and drop a pin where you’d like to start your route and a pin where you’d like to finish. Within seconds, savvy navvy will calculate a route, taking into account real-time wind, charted hazards and tidal streams.

Try different routes with our four day weather forecast

The route you plot can be adjusted with our four day weather forecast toggle, which enables you to quickly pick the best time to leave the marina, ensuring you arrive at your destination on time and/or to get the most out of your sailing time on the water.

We’ve been working on tidal integration for some time, as it’s an essential navigation asset for our community members and we couldn’t be more excited to release this feature today. CTS is just the first phase of our tidal integration; we have lots more exciting announcements to come. The introduction of CTS alongside our plans to launch the beta versions of our Android and iOS apps in the coming months will be a game changer for our users.

— Jelte Liebrand - Founder at savvy navvy

Try savvy navvy for free

We get that sometimes it’s nice to try before you buy. The good news is you can try 'the google maps for boats' savvy navvy for free, with all full features, before upgrading to full membership. sign up to our free trial to start plotting routes today! Looking for an independent review of savvy navvy

Inspired to get out on the water? Try savvy navvy free today.

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