The Jet Ski Navigation App

Powerful technology to supercharge your time on the water.

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savvy navvy jet ski navigation app
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Over 1.8 Million Downloads

4.7 star appstore rating for award winning navigation app savvy navvy

4.7 out of 5
Over 5,000 5 Star Reviews

5 star app store reviews


I use Savvy Navvy daily for all my inshore fishing here in south Texas. Great for current conditions, including tides and wind direction. It’s like Google maps for boaters. Plan routes, mark your fishing spots and return to the dock in one piece. Every time! Great App 5 stars.

by TeamTandem – Feb 3, 2023
5 star app store reviews


2 weeks ago during the heatwave, we were on the Solent and the temperature fried all our instruments including the GPS plotter. Thank god we had Savvy Navvy as it worked perfectly for the entire weekend and allowed us to do everything we wanted. People say these kind of apps aren’t meant to replace the instruments on board, well I can confirm that when they instruments on board all fail, this was an absolute lifesaver. Can’t wait to test it in other countries.

by Gongolo270 – Sep 16, 2022
5 star app store reviews

Great and simple to use

I sail with friends and families and this app is a great way to illustrate “dads” boring chart work through a much more teenage friendly platform. I use both for cross reference and find it pretty accurate. Considering the price of charts it is extremely good value. – Mar 9, 2023

Made for jet skiing,
designed to boost your fun.

jet ski navigation gps app

Jet Ski GPS

Check your location, speed and heading quickly and easily in GPS mode. Grey circles around your location will also give you easy reference points for distances between you and areas of interest around you.

Jetskiing GPS
jetski weather forecast
jet ski weather forecast

Marine Weather Forecast

Avoid getting caught in bad weather whilst enjoying a day out on the water. savvy navvy’s weather forecast enables you to see the current and predicted weather conditions, temperature and wind speed through the day and the proceeding days ahead.

record routes jet ski

Record Your Jet Ski Route

Would you like to show your friends where your explorations took you? Or perhaps you’re jet skiing in new waters and want to ensure you can find your way home? Whatever your motive, savvy navvy’s record route function is not only a fantastic added safety feature but it also lets you review your trip and/or take the same route again!

jet ski tracker - jetski record activity
jet skiing tides
jet ski tide app

Tidal Graphs and Streams

Tides can be tricky when using a jet ski so why not use the savvy tidal graph to view tidal highs and lows throughout the day and/or toggle on the tidal stream option to visually see the changing tidal streams overlaid on electronic charts. This handy tool makes it quick and easy to find the best time of day to hit the water.

jet ski route planning

Route Planning 

Fancy taking a longer trip? Drop a pin at your desired start and finish locations and the savvy routing™ will automatically calculate the best route based on your jet ski details, weather, chart, and tide data. You’ll even get a predicated ETA that you can share with friends!

jet ski route planning tool
share your route
share routes jet ski

Share Routes

A great safety feature and super fun if you’re jet skiing with friends. Share you’re planned route with fellow jet ski friends so you can all take the same path, or share the route with someone ashore so they know when to expect you home. Whether for planning or for greater peace of mind, this is the tool for you.

satellite mode

Satellite Mode

The great thing about a jetski is that you can explore remote areas not accessible by many boats or by land. Take a closer look at potential beaches, bays and coves to explore with a handy satellite overlay.

jet ski app
share your route
marina information

Marina Information

Looking for a nice place to stop for lunch before jet skiing home? Easily view marina facilities with our integrated Dockwa and Navily integrations.

Dedicated customer support

Every jet ski navigation app should come with the help you need. That’s why our team are on-hand via chat to assist with any questions you might have about the savvy navvy app.

Offline Charts and Weather

Easily download chart and weather packs so you can continue to use all the features you love even when out of range of signal.

Digital savvy charts™

Enjoy uncomplicated, stunning digital savvy charts™ that enable you to quickly check essential information such as depth and obstructions.

Distance Measurement

Use the nifty distance measurement tool to quickly calculate how long it will take you to get to areas of interest around you. Or plot a route to get an automatic ETA.

Read to Jet Ski?

Download savvy navvy from your app store today!

iOS & iPadOS.

Download savvy navvy on your iPad or iPhone to make your next jet ski trip a breeze.

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Download savvy navvy jet ski navigation app on your tablet or phone from the Play store.

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